Dance Your way through fall: Plus size party choices

Let’s be complete honest: No one enjoys returning to work after the lovely summer holidays. But no matter what, the summer is gone and we won’t be able to stop it. What should I do? Remain calm during the whole autumn and wait for Christmas? Seems boring for me. I need to escape. I need to dance until all my pressure disappear.
I found these party dresses from ROSEGAL that would help me and probably help you out if you feels the same as me. Let dance our way through this autumn!

Black lace dresses are my personal favorite of the classic dresses. Black is a sexy color, even more sexy when it combines with the lace sheer sleeve. I’m so satisfied they add lots of details on the sleeve.

White is a classy ,clean color. Put different color‘s stripes on it, it becomes fun to wear. Suitable for in or out. A nice choice for dance & party lovers. This adorable dresses only cost $9 at the moment. Get it now.

Elegant style matches it’s color. The flare print is well detailed. Vintage is always charming and attractive. With flower prints, it reaches a new level.

11 comentários

  1. LOVE the first one!

  2. Respostas
    1. Ainda bem que gostaste, isto prova que existe roupa gira para qualquer tipo de roupa!
      A roupa tem que servir em nós, não nós nela!!! Beijinhos!!

  3. Muito obrigada, ficamos felizes de saber que gostaste!!!

  4. O meu favorito foi o primeiro vestido :)
    Segui de volta <3

  5. Respostas
    1. É super giro e as mangas são um toque especial!
      Beijinhos!! E obrigada por comentares!
